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  • Tours
  • Kamakura – One Day Tour

Kamakura - One Day Tour “Kamakura sightseeing tour”

Kamakura sightseeing tour: temple of High Virtue (the Great Buddha), seashore temple Hasedera, main street of Kamakura and Shinto shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, ever-bustling Komachi sidestreet



  • One Day Tour


  • 1 days / 1 nights


  • Request


  • Kamakura

Daily itinerary


Kamakura One Day Tour, any time of the year

Welcome to Kamakura, a city rich in history and cultural heritage! Our first stop is Kotoku-in Temple, housing the iconic Great Buddha, an awe-inspiring bronze statue dating back to the 13th century. As we approach the temple, you'll be enchanted by the serene atmosphere and the sight of the majestic Buddha.
Next, we'll head to Hasedera Temple, a tranquil sanctuary with beautiful gardens and stunning views of the city and the ocean. Be prepared to be captivated by the serene ambiance and the mesmerizing Kannon statue, said to be carved from a single camphor tree.
After immersing ourselves in the tranquility of Hasedera, we'll move on to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the spiritual heart of Kamakura. Walking through the torii gates and ascending the grand stone staircase, you'll experience the sacred atmosphere and witness traditional Shinto rituals taking place.
Finally, we'll explore Komachi Street, a bustling and charming shopping district filled with local boutiques, souvenir shops, and delicious street food stalls. You can indulge in traditional snacks like sweet potato pastries or try some regional specialties while browsing unique crafts and souvenirs to take back home.
Remember to savor the historical richness and natural beauty of Kamakura throughout this excursion. Enjoy your journey!