JapanSeasons.com Japan Events & Travel Boutique

Japan Tour “Hydrangea in June”

Japan is especially nice in June, with fresh greenery and blooming hydrangeas in gardens and temples, pleasant temperature outside, and magical fireflies. Even though it often rains in June, it makes the gardens even brighter and fresher, and the raindrops photogenically adorn the hydrangea flowers.



  • Private tour


  • 11 days / 10 nights


  • On Request


  • Tokyo → Kamakura → Nikko → Kyoto → Nara → Shigaraki → Ise → Nagoya → Tokyo

Daily itinerary


Day 1

Arrival at the International Airport
Meet your tour guide at the Arrivals
Transfer to Tokyo by private transport
Tokyo Sightseeing: Shibuya district and Shibuya Sky observatory, walk around Ginza
Check-in at the hotel, rest
Hotel accommodation: Tokyo [Read more...]

Shibuya Area

Shibuya scramble crossing is one of the busiest crossings in Tokyo. The green light comes on from four directions at once, and several hundred people (during peak hours, the number can reach 1,000) rush simultaneously in all directions, managing to dodge each other with ease built up over the years.

For its picturesque yet orderly crowds, the crossing is beloved by filmmakers, and people worldwide are familiar with it from TV series, movies, and commercial videos. The best spot to watch the hypnotic flow of people is the Starbucks coffee shop on the 2nd floor of the building on the north side of the crossing.

There is also a statue of the faithful dog Hachiko near Shibuya Station, where he used to meet his master, a professor at Tokyo University, every day. After the professor’s sudden death, the dog came to the station every day for nine years, waiting for his master to return. Hachiko became the symbol of loyalty.

Ginza District

Ginza is Tokyo’s most luxurious shopping district, home to prestigious department stores, world-famous designer boutiques, coffee shops, and traditional Japanese restaurants. People come here to learn about the latest high fashion trends and enjoy the creations of the best architects worldwide.

At the same time, Ginza is an art lover’s paradise. There are about 200 art galleries and Kabukiza Theater, which still regularly hosts Kabuki theater performances.


Day 2

Breakfast at the hotel
Meet your tour guide at the hotel lobby
Tokyo sightseeing by private transport: Asakusa district, Sensoji Buddhist Temple, Nakamise shopping street, TeamLab museum, Japanese garden
Back to the hotel
Hotel accommodation: Tokyo

Day 3

Breakfast at the hotel
Meet your tour guide at the hotel lobby
Kamakura sightseeing: Hasedera Temple, Meigetsuin Temple, Great Buddha of Kamakura
Back to Tokyo
Hotel accommodation: Tokyo

Day 4

Breakfast at the hotel, check-out
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Move to Nikko
Nikko sightseeing by private transport: Nikko Toshogu Shrine
Transfer to the national-style ryokan hotel
Dinner at the hotel, rest in the hot springs
Hotel accommodation: Nikko [Read more...]

Nikko Toshogu Shrine

Toshogu Shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last of the three “Great Unifiers” of Japan and the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. The Tokugawa clan ruled Japan for more than two and a half centuries. The shrine was built in 1617 by Ieyasu’s vassal, Todo Takatora, as a mausoleum for Ieyasu. Shogun was posthumously deified with the name Tosho Daigongen (“The Great Deity of the Eastern Light”), and the shrine is dedicated to him. The shrine buildings are richly decorated with wood carvings, colorful paintings, and gilding. Toshogu is one of the most luxuriously decorated shrines in Japan. Fifteen thousand of the best artisans from all over the country gathered to build the shrine. Two million four hundred eighty-nine thousand pieces of gold leaf (enough to cover two and a half hectares) were used to decorate it.

The complex of 42 buildings is UNESCO World Heritage Site. Eight buildings are considered National Treasures of Japan, and the rest are Cultural Treasures of the country.


Day 5

Breakfast at the hotel, check-out
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Nikko sightseeing: Kegon Falls, Lake Chuzenji
Move to Kyoto by Shinkansen bullet train
Check-in at the hotel, rest
Hotel accommodation: Kyoto [Read more...]

Kegon Falls

Kegon Falls is one of Japan’s three most beautiful waterfalls, falling from Lake Chuzenji. It was formed when the Dayagawa River’s flow was blocked by lava after the Nantai volcano’s eruption. The river falls from the 97-meter-high lava barrier in one large and 12 small streams.

The views of Kegon Falls are most famous in the fall, but it’s beautiful at any time of the year: the cliffs are covered with snow in winter, adorned with fresh greenery in spring, and in summer, the sound and mist of the water provide a pleasant coolness.


Day 6

Breakfast at the hotel
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Kyoto sightseeing by private transport: Yoshimine Temple, Yokokuji Temple, Oharano Shrine
Hotel accommodation: Kyoto

Day 7

Breakfast at the hotel
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Uji and Nara sightseeing: Mimurotoji Temple, Todaiji Temple, Deer park
Back to Kyoto
Hotel accommodation: Kyoto [Read more...]

Todai-ji Temple

Todai-ji is a Buddhist temple complex whose main building is one of the largest wooden structures in the world. Built in the mid-8th century by order of the emperor with donations from all over the country, the temple features the biggest bronze statue of Buddha in Japan. Almost all the bronze produced in Japan at the time was used to cast the colossal sculpture. The complex also has several unique wooden structures, including the giant Nandaimon Gate with the famous Nio guard figures, the Bell Tower, and Nigatsu-do Hall. The entire complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Day 8

Breakfast at the hotel, check-out
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Move to the pottery town Shigaraki, Shigaraki sightseeing: Shigaraki Tanuki Village
Move to Ise, Ise sightseeing: Meoto Iwa (Wedded Rocks)
Check-in at the hotel, rest
Hotel accommodation: Ise

Day 9

Breakfast at the hotel, check-out
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Ise sightseeing: Ise-jingu Shrine, Oharai-machi and Okage-yokocho
Move to Nagoya
Check-in at the hotel, rest
Hotel accommodation: Nagoya

Day 10

Breakfast at the hotel, check-out
Meet your guide at the hotel lobby
Nagoya sightseeing: Nagoya Castle, Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, Noritake museum
Move to Tokyo by Shinkansen bullet train
Check-in at the hotel, rest
Hotel accommodation: Tokyo

Day 11

Breakfast at the hotel
The end of the program