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  • North-Eastern Kyoto

Kyoto One Day Tour “Kyoto sightseeing tour”

North-Eastern Kyoto is a captivating region rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. This area is home to several lesser-known but profoundly significant temples and gardens, offering a quieter and more intimate experience compared to the bustling tourist spots in central Kyoto. Visitors can explore hidden treasures, enjoy peaceful walks, and immerse themselves in the spiritual ambiance that defines this unique part of Kyoto.



  • One Day Tour


  • 8 hours


  • Request


  • Kyoto

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North-Eastern Kyoto Tour Sightseeing Spots

Experience the charm of North-Eastern Kyoto on a captivating tour through its rich history and culture. Begin at the serene Sekizan Zen-in temple, then explore the beautiful gardens of Manshuin Temple. Continue to Shisendo Temple's breathtaking landscapes and the tranquil Enkoji Temple with its stunning views. Conclude at the picturesque Konpukuji Temple, steeped in history and scenic beauty. This tour provides a deep immersion into Kyoto’s timeless allure, promising an unforgettable experience. [Read more...]

Sekizan Zen-in Temple

Sekizan Zen-in Temple, founded in the 9th century by Emperor Uda, is dedicated to the deity Sekizan Daimyojin. The temple, associated with the Tendai sect of Buddhism, is part of the Enryaku-ji Temple complex on Mount Hiei. Surrounded by lush forests, Sekizan Zen-in offers a tranquil atmosphere. Sekizan Zen-in is a popular pilgrimage site, especially during autumn when the foliage turns vibrant shades of red and gold.


Manshuin Temple, founded in the early Heian period, is situated in the North-Eastern part of Kyoto. It belongs to the Tendai sect of Buddhism and was established by Saicho, the sect’s founder. Manshuin is famous for its elegant architecture and beautifully landscaped gardens. Inside, visitors can admire exquisite sliding door paintings and historical artifacts. The temple is especially popular in autumn when the surrounding maple trees display brilliant fall colors.

Shisen-do Temple

Shisen-do Temple, built in 1641, originally belonged to the founder of the whole-leaf tea ceremony, the poet and calligrapher Ishikawa Jozan. He designed and planted the temple’s traditional garden himself, devoting the last years of his life to it. The garden is considered especially beautiful in the fall for its beautiful red maples. Shisen-do, called “the hermit’s refuge,” is a small quiet corner, spared from the large influx of tourists.

Enko-ji Temple

Enkoji Temple was founded in 1601 by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Originally a Confucian school, it was later converted into a Zen Buddhist temple. This tranquil temple, located away from popular tourist routes, is particularly beloved by Kyoto residents for its small garden. People come here to admire the red maples in autumn and the lush moss in summer.

Konpukuji Temple

Konpukuji Temple was established in the early Heian period. This Zen Buddhist temple is associated with the famous poet Matsuo Basho, who is said to have stayed here during his travels. The temple’s grounds also include a beautiful small teahouse. In autumn, the vibrant foliage enhances the temple’s charm, making it a popular spot for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty.